About our team

The team that brought you Rave'n'Party consists of these four handsome fellows Portuguese fellows, each of them involved in several different projects, yet all of them still hanging on to their day jobs!


We're very excited to bring you this project! It's been a lot of fun to be involved in something we truly believe in :)


Tiago Dias

Tiago is a pharmacist who loves sports and technology. He is very bullish on crypto, especially Ravencoin! He is our Ravencoin ambassador, the one who assembled the Raven-gers!

Ivo Pires

Ivo is a pharmacy technician and teacher who loves books, tv shows, and an overall good story. He's also a sci-fi writer with a huge imagination! He is our product manager, and an overly annoying bug-catcher!

Bruno Noversa

Bruno is a graphic designer and marketing specialist who loves photography and working out. He put all his love into drawing our collection and can hardly wait to put out the coming seasons!

Diogo Borges

Diogo is a computer engineer and an overall "Jack of all trades" who loves anime. He built our website and provided that awesome Raven nest livestream :)!